Looking for some fresh packages in Palmeria Hotel? We have some special propositions you will be happy to take! Get a package at the discounted price and use it whenever you want. Have your breakfast, lunch or dinner delivered to your room or served while your’re enjoying our exquisite spa treatments.
Continue reading “Get a Fresh Spa and Meal Package”Tag: Spa
Get a Fresh Spa and Breakfast Package
Looking for some fresh packages in Ciestra hotel? We have some special propositions you will be happy to take. Get a package at the discounted price, and have it whatever you want – on a private island, or at home.
Keep Your Face Always Toward the Sunshine
Many people find shadows kind of scary, and they are a metaphor for the things that would bother you if you saw them regularly, or focused on them. Many people also find the sun on their face to be rather pleasant, when done in moderation. Put together, facing the sun puts your shadow behind you (you aren’t afraid of your own shadow, are you?).
Continue reading “Keep Your Face Always Toward the Sunshine”